Friday, July 23, 2010

I know times are tough, but take it from me, pal....

Are you tired? Out of work? Frustrated by the economic difficulties facing us? Have you seen Fox "news" and been tempted to go to a local Tea Party meeting?

Well, take it from me buddy, don't be a sucker.

[Thanks to Dale Richesin & Jerry Blackburn]


Anonymous said...

I don't have anything to do with any tea-party kooks, nor do I plan to. But I sure as shit won't give Obama any more support either.

Stan Denski said...

Really? So you either believe the return of the Republicans to power will fix things, or nothing matters because one day the sun will explode and the Earth will simply be a cold rock drifting, lifeless, through the dark void of space.

You know what's better? Doing what you can when you can. At this moment, people giving up because Obama hasn't ushered us into the Age of Aquarius is why the word "stupid" is in the language.

Stop it.

Anonymous said...

I actually don't think there would have been that much of a difference if McCain had been elected. For me, Obama has been a dismal failure. The one issue I wanted him for was health care and they failed so miserably! It's very personal to me since I have no health care and I was actually foolish enough to believe they would do something about it. Their 'reform' is a sick joke to me. I need to see a doctor right now for about three different reasons, and I can't. Fuck this country and fuck Obama especially hard. We needed radical change in this country and we got a continuation of Bush. I wouldn't be surprised if they let the tax cuts to the rich continue. You want to bet they will?

Stan Denski said...

A single payer system would have been better, clearly, but it wasn't passable. I'm sorry you feel that way, but giving up, while I suppose it counts as an option, doesn't seem like a good one.

steves said...

Sorry to butt in, but I can't help myself. Re: Anonymous's disillusionment...

Do you honestly believe that McCain would have passed the comprehensive healthcare reform you so desperately need? If so, I have some shiny objects you may be interested in purchasing. McCain didn't even believe we had a financial crisis, let alone one in healthcare! And I'm sure his VP would have stepped right up the plate to lend you a helping hand as well.

I won't go into the argument about Obama inherenting a badly broken country; I believe that fact speaks for itself. And I share much of your frustration with the snail's pace of progress we're making digging ourselves out of this hole. But it should be obvious that we're in deep, serious shit here, and there is no magic wand to be waved to make it all go away. Meanwhile, the only thing the Republicans have done was to dig in their heels, threaten filibusters, and say no to every proposal Obama has come up with, simply so when the Fall elections come, they can say, "See? Nothing the Democrats have tried has worked!"

So, go ahead, buy into their bullshit, but don't believe for a second that your life will get any better if they succeed.

ohiojerry said...

I'm disappointed by Obama's apparent willingness to allow this futile war to drag on endlessing in Afghanistan ... I believe one of his campaign goals was to bring our troops home, but now he's making no effort to do so.

Otherwise I like Obama.

Stan Denski said...

I agree Jerry. I think his re-election in 2012 will be much easier if he's managed to extricate us from that mess by then, than it will if he hasn't. A seemingly endless war in Afghanistan and Iraq only reinforces the impression that there's no difference between the parties among the very voters he will need tremendously.